Monday, January 3, 2011

30Km Barrier broken.....BACK TO MY BEST RUNNING FORM....

Today i write this mail in the most elated and cheerful mood...
Reason being a mental barrier overcome and still strong enough to get back to my speedruns tomorrow morning....
the knees are still a bit sore, but hopefully, they should be fine by tomorrow morning.....
Check my running stats and route..try watching in in Satellite mode,if possible
This week i was very very focussed on completing 30 kms, come what may, as 2 weeks back, i tried, but could not do the last 3 kms because of my right leg cramping after 20kms....
i had pre-decided to hydrate myself well the previous days and thanks to google got to know that Carbo loading is very much essential..the more carbs i load during the week, the better chances of me not cramping at all as the body uses the oxygen from the blood in the absence of carbs, thus leading to cramps...
so, i ate lots of rice on Saturday noon, drank lots of water mixed with electrolytes and had pizza in the evening with my friends who had come home...
the only thing i missed to do was sleep we slept at around 12 ish and i got up by 445 to start running by 515am....
so my running started at 529am....
I ran with other group members as my 2 running partners were not there today.......we were 5 of us to begin the run...
i was running with a person called Jagannath Hajib....during conversation, i realised that he was a CEO of AIR INDIA....i was like, vow....this guys dedication is great....and yet so humble and down to earth..
agreed, AIR INDIA is not doing tht great, but still he was not a manager or something, but a CEO....
anyways,,,,, back to running...
have reduced my speed for all the long runs for the only reason, that if i start too fast, i dont have the gas and reserves in me to push for the later distances...
earlier, i was targetting to finish 1 km under 7 mins, but now i dont care...
I would rather compete slow than watch at any speed.
i run with the most comfortable speed as possible, and to my surprise it is not that bad...its about 7.15 or 7.20 mins per km....
Running towards Babulnath and return was our target, as we were getting bored with our usual BKC- KALINA Loop.....
it was indeed a refreshing run, with so many ppl running and training on the roads for the Mumbai Marathon..
and so many ppl , in all sorts of Shapes & Sizes and age group...
i was quite shocked not to spot many youngsters...most of them were oldies or in their early 40's....
by the time 1 reaches Worli Sea Face and then to pedder road, you end up knowing so many ppl and keep on cheering every runner who crosses u, running with pain becomes running with pleasure...the runner cheer you up, and do an exchange of Hi- five's which keeps the motivation level quite on the high....
by this time i have figured 1 thing out, that the real challenge of running is after 20 kms....
the last 10 kms, will the toughest as thats when the body gives you alll the possible signals of giving up and just taking a cab and go back to home...and thats where the mind comes into the picture....
the long distance running helps me in getting stronger mentally, also keeeps me a lot calmer and the focus keeps on getting better...
We run not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves......
my next target is now on 28th November, where 15 of us are going to run to LONAVLA....we will start from Bushy dam upto Amby Valley and back to Bushy dam..the distance wil be about 36 kms...
so the simple strategy is to train very hard this whole week, go easy on the knees on the coming sunday, which is 21st November and then the week after, train regular enough to be ready for 36kms...
On 21st November, we plan not to give any stress to the knees, so i have come up with this unique idea of cycling from Bandra to Oberoi hotel and back...this way we will strengthen our Quadriceps and our knees will be super fresh of not running for 1 Sunday...
28th november is like a dress rehearsal for 42km MARATHON, as if i do that on slopes, i m sure, i can complete 42kms..
1 thing is sure, i will walk, if not run, Crawl if not walk, but come what may, no matter what time i finish, i WILL cross the FINISH LINE on 16th Jan 2011.
 "Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing.  You have to make the mind run the body.  Never let the body tell the mind what to do.  The body will always give up.  It is always tired morning, noon, and night.  But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.  When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going."
With this quote, i end as of now.....see you next Sunday ;-)

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